Curriculum links, The Eggs Factor project

Curriculum links for England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland


Design and technology – KS2 – Design

Use research and develop design criteria to inform the design of innovative, functional, appealing products that are fit for purpose, aimed at particular individuals or groups
Generate, develop, model and communicate their ideas through discussion, annotated sketches, cross-sectional and exploded diagrams, prototypes, pattern pieces and computer-aided design

Design and technology – KS2 – Cooking and nutrition

See understand and apply the principles of a healthy and varied diet
prepare and cook a variety of predominantly savoury dishes using a range of cooking techniques


Design and Technology – KS2 – Designing

Use a range of information sources to generate ideas for products
Investigate how existing products look and function as a source of ideas for their own products, e.g. examine a range of products related to their task, toys, healthy eating
develop a simple specification/recipe for their products indicating their intentions and approach
Demonstrate their creative thinking when considering and recording solutions to problems that arise during their designing and making, e.g. realise that it would be quicker and easier to use ready-made materials, components and ingredients rather than make their own

Design and Technology – KS2 – Making

Work to their specification/recipe to make products
Choose appropriate materials, ingredients, equipment, tools/utensils and techniques, from a range made available to them
Measure, mark out, cut, shape, join, weigh and mix a range of materials and ingredients, using appropriate tools/utensils, equipment and techniques
Discuss their products, and evaluate their work, e.g. explain why and how they made their product and what they think about its function, features, performance, taste

Design and Technology – KS2 – Food

Plan and carry out a broad range of practical food preparation tasks safely and hygienically
Apply current healthy eating messages and consider nutritional needs when undertaking food preparation tasks 9. classify food by commodity/group and understand the characteristics of a broad range of ingredients, including their nutritional, functional and sensory properties, e.g. meat, fish, fruit, vegetables 


Expressive arts – Second – Art and design

I can develop and communicate my ideas, demonstrating imagination and presenting at least one possible solution to a design problem.

Health and wellbeing – Second – Food and health

When preparing and cooking a variety of foods, I am becoming aware of the journeys which foods make from source to consumer, their seasonality, their local availability and their sustainability.

Northern Ireland:

PD&MU – KS2 – Health, Growth and Change

Understand the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, including physical activity, healthy eating, rest and hygiene.