How to prevent salmonella
The most effective way of preventing salmonella is by adopting good hygiene when handling and cooking food.
- Always wash your hands before and after handling raw and fresh foods.
- Wash fresh fruit and vegetables before eating
- Store uncooked meats separately from other produce in the fridge to minimise risk of contamination.
- Chopping boards and cooking utensils should be washed thoroughly after use. Avoid cross-contamination by not using the same utensils or surfaces for both meat and vegetables.
- When cooking poultry, make sure that it is cooked right the way through and there’s no pink in the middle. If you’re unsure, check by slicing open the thickest part of the meat with a knife.
- Avoid consuming unpasteurised milk or other unpasteurised dairy products.
- When purchasing eggs, always look for the Lion mark printed on the box and the eggs themselves to guarantee that the eggs have come from hens vaccinated against salmonella.