Healthy eating

Healthy breakfast poem

  • Explain to pupils that some people call breakfast ‘the most important meal of the day’, as it gives the body the energy it will need to carry out the day’s activities. Ask them for their ideas about the kinds of foods that make up a healthy breakfast.
  • Use eggs as an example of a healthy breakfast food. Talk about all the different ways that eggs can be cooked (e.g. boiled, scrambled, poached, fried, as an omelette). Do any pupils already have eggs for breakfast? How do pupils like their eggs to be cooked?
  • If they haven’t completed it already, you could take pupils through the Do you eat healthily? interactive activity, to show how different breakfast foods fit into the five food groups and the ‘eatwell’ plate.
  • Depending on the pupils’ ability, you might like to give them a copy of the poem to read or you could simply teach them the poem and actions orally. For a ‘cooler’ approach, you could introduce a beat and have the class perform the poem as a rap.   
  • As a class, develop the poem as a performance piece, adding gestures or actions for each line:
    • Stretching arms wide on ‘It’s very nearly breakfast time’
    • Rubbing hands in glee on ‘And I can hardly wait’
    • Rubbing stomach on ‘I make sure lots of healthy foods’
    • Pretending to hold a plate on ‘Are put upon my plate’
      You could have the whole class recite every line, or divide the lines or stanzas between groups, pairs or individuals. 
  • You might like to organise for pupils to perform the poem in an assembly.