The white and the yolk of an egg each has its own nutritional qualities. Some people prefer one or the other, whilst most enjoy both together to enjoy the full benefits from the protein, essential fats, vitamins and minerals. For more information on the individual elements, visit the following pages.
Egg white nutrition
For more information on the high protein content found in egg whites and the dietary benefits.
Egg yolk nutrition
The nutritional centre of the egg with high quality essential fats, protein, vitamins and minerals.
Egg white weight
Estimates for the average weight of the white inside different size eggs, excluding the weight of the shell.
Egg yolk weight
Estimates for the average weight of the yolk inside different size eggs, excluding the weight of the shell.
Comparing egg white and egg yolk
Eggs provide us with high quality nutrients but how do the egg white and egg yolk compare on a nutritional level?
All information checked by an independent Registered Nutritionist/Dietitian