BEIC office holders re-elected
Andrew Joret has been re-elected as Chairman of the British Egg Industry Council (BEIC), following the Annual General Meeting of the Council on 10 June.
The role of BEIC Chairman is held by the Chairman of the National Egg Marketing Association (NEMAL), to which role Andrew Joret was elected to in 2012. Joret is also Chairman of the Lion Technical Committee, which is responsible for the Lion Code of Practice.
The BEIC also re-elected the Office Holders at the AGM. Elwyn Griffiths, representing the British Egg Products Association, continues as BEIC Deputy Chairman; Duncan Priestner, representing the National Farmers’ Union, remains BEIC Vice-Chairman; and Jeffrey Vergerson, representing the British Egg Association, is the BEIC Treasurer. Mark Williams, Chief Executive of the British Egg Industry Council, continues as Secretary.